Christina Reis


Chris is a retired nurse, midwife and health visitor. Her last post was as a health advisor to asylum seekers and travellers. She now works with them as a volunteer.

She wrote her first novel at fifteen years of age and since then has written prize winning short stories, poetry and plays, and her work is published regularly in ‘The Writer’, a magazine produced by the Society of Medical Writers. Her poems have also been published in collections of poetry by various authors.

Chris was a single parent with five children and has eight grandchildren. Born in the UK, she has Nigerian, English and Scottish ancestry, but apart from a year in India as a midwife and two years as an agency nurse in London, she has spent most of her life in the north of England.



In 1976, two young women from very different backgrounds and lifestyles share a room in a maternity ward. They live at opposite ends of a small town. Their paths had never crossed before they gave birth to baby girls on the same day.

Fifteen years later, the daughters meet and this unexpected meeting unearths disturbing and life-changing facts about their life, which in turn devastate the families. There is anger, heartache and confusion for all concerned, as everyone tries to adjust to the upheaval...


A woman arrives in England seeking asylum after the murder of her politically active mother. She has left behind a teenage daughter who is living with relatives. She has a five pound note and a carrier bag containing one change of clothing. This is the story of her life in the waiting period for a decision.

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