With a successful career as an environmentalist and three highly-respected conservation books published, Peter started writing fiction a few years ago. His short fiction has been published in many literary journals. He has been awarded a New Writing North Award bursary and has also had a book of short stories, Skylight, published by Biscuit Publishing, having won the Biscuit International Short-Story Competition twice. Of Human Folly is his first full length work of fiction.
He seeks, in his writing, to bring together the fictional and factual worlds; his debut novel deals with the developing climate crisis at a human and individual level. As well as winning and being short-listed for many awards, his current work has been described as “…a stunning debut novel” and “…as urgent as Silent Spring.”
He lives in Coastal Northumberland, and other than writing and work, his life is filled by family, playing the fiddle, running, walking, and trying to get an old Citroen 2CV to keep going; but not necessarily in that order or, indeed, all at the same time.
Struggling with a series of personal and professional turning-points, Simon Carter re-evaluates his own role in helping avert the current climate crisis. Giving up his work as an environmental lecturer, he moves to a remote area of Northern England, where he seeks to become self-sufficient, less dependent on others and sets about re-wilding the local landscape. However, despite swapping words for action, climate change and the lives of others continue to close in around him. As further crises develop, he once again has to assess his own place in this changing world and question where, with his family and friends, hope might be found.
LOCHINVER BOOKSHOP the most north-westerly bookshop on the mainland has named Peter Bromley's OF HUMAN FOLLY as their book of choice - an exciting accolade for one of Silver Quill's newest authors.
Huge congratulations to Peter!