

LOCHINVER BOOKSHOP the most north-westerly bookshop on the mainland has named Peter Bromley's OF HUMAN FOLLY as their book of choice - an exciting accolade for one of Silver Quill's newest authors.

Huge congratulations to Peter!



If you happen to be in or around the Borders area on Saturday 16th November, why not pop along to The Wynd in Melrose where you can meet and chat to seven of our Silver Quill Publishing authors?

Iona Carroll, Oliver Eade, Robert Breustedt, Patricia Goodwin, Pamela Gordon Hoad, together with two of our newest writers - Maura Kennedy Fair and Peter Bromley - will be there to talk to you about their books and answer all your questions.

Plus, don't miss this perfect opportunity to stock up on some early Christmas gifts for the book lovers of all ages in your family or among your friends!


November 2024

MAY 2024

On Friday 14th June at 7.30pm,

Two of our authors, IONA CARROLL and OLIVER EADE, along with a couple of other writers, are taking part in an event at the Borders Book Festival under the umbrella of the Society of Authors.

If you want to find out more about the "Why?" and "How?" of fiction writing and are in the Melrose area of the Scottish Borders, now's your chance! Don't forget to add this date to your diary.




Many congratulations to Oliver Eade whose latest book, 'In the Blink of an Eye', has been announced as one of the finalists for the Page Turner 2021 Book Award.


The Tangled Tale

Sheikha Shamma's latest book in her Maxima and Coustaud series which is now available from Amazon, has earned the approval of world-renowned conservationist and ethologist, Dr. Jane Goodall:

"Young people are our hope for the future and, at a time when taking care of our planet is becoming more vital than ever, this charming book educates children about protecting our matural world. From saving bees to preserving the mangrove ecosystem, readers will find out about the co-dependence of Planet Earth and its human inhabitants - an important lesson for young conservationists who want to make a difference for all living things."


Congratulations to our newest author, Dr. Wendy Lake, whose book Susie in Spectra is in the media spotlight!



"A Borders author and his granddaughter, who dedicated their new book to Sir David Attenborough, were surprised after he sent them a handwritten letter back.

Retired doctor, Oliver Eade, from Melrose, wrote and published a children's book about endangered animals during lockdown, with the help of his nine-year-old granddaughter.

The Zookeeper's Daughter touches on humankind's impact on nature - a topic close to the author's heart - which he has told through a story about a young girl who gets transported into the lives of wild animals.

Oliver said : "All these wild animals that I thought about for Lara's book, each and every one of them was threatened by humankind by one way or another - global warming, acidity of the ocean, deforestation - and I thought this was important, so the book changed."

His granddaughter, Lara, who lives in Switzerland, helped come up with names, story ideas and did all of the illustrations. 

Lara said: "It was kind of difficult because there were lots of animals to draw and 21 chapters. I also had to do homework for school so it was hard to do it at the same time."

When Lara received the letter from Sir David, she said "It was really impressive and exciting that he wrote to me." The personally written note read:

Thank you for sending a copy of your book. It was very kind of you to dedicate it to me and I know I shall really enjoy reading it. - Sir David Attenborough

Oliver and Lara hope all who read the book will be inspired by the message to think more about animals and how to protect the planet."

Click on this link to watch the ITV news clip:

"I hope this book captures the imagination of children, teaches them to act responsibly and inspires them to showcase their own creativity." Sheikha Shamma bint Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan

Read about Sheikha Shamma's new ebook for children about the Coronavirus in this article from The National newspaper of Abu Dhabi:
Announcing a triple book launch featuring three of our authors. If you happen to be in the Borders area of Scotland on November 7th, pop into the Melrose Corn Exchange to meet Iona Carroll, Pamela Gordon-Hoad and Oliver Eade.
Wendy Leighton-Porter's The Shadow of the Volcano has won the bronze medal for Children's Educational Fiction in the READERS' FAVORITE BOOK AWARDS 2019.
John Clewarth, entertained Years 5 and 6 pupils at Richmond School in Leeds this week. During his visit, John hosted creative writing workshops, encouraging the youngsters to sharpen their spooktastic, story-telling skills.


Oliver Eade and Pamela Gordon-Hoad will be holding a joint launch for their new books on November 1st. If you live in the Melrose area, please go along to support them!
Our Silver Quill authors have achieved a great deal of recognition this summer, winning multiple awards.
Following on from Oliver Eade's earlier success with The Kelpie's Eyes, he has recently won first prize for his one-act play, The Other Cat, in the Segora International Literary Competition.
Cheryl Carpinello's Guinevere: At the Dawn of Legend won 2 Golds in the Global eBook Awards, 2 Bronzes in CIPA's Evvy Awards and was also shortlisted in the Chanticleer International Awards.
The Shadow of the Two Princes by Wendy Leighton-Porter was shortlisted in the International Rubery Book Awards, reaching the top 5 in the Children's and Young Adult Fiction category. The Shadow of Camelot has also been awarded an Honourable Mention in the Readers' Favorite Book Awards 2018.
IONA CARROLL and OLIVER EADE at their recent joint book launch
JUNE 2018

Congratulations to Oliver Eade - The Kelpie's Eyes has won first prize in the Georgina Hawtrey-Woore Award for Young Adult Fiction.

OCTOBER 2017 specialise in publishing a wide range of flash fiction stories.  They talked to John Clewarth about how he got into writing and what it is that keeps him going!  'Writing in the Dark', an interview with John, was posted today.  To read the full interview, just follow the link below.  Enjoy!

In September, Wendy Leighton-Porter was awarded Finalist positions for 3 of her books in the Readers' Favorite Book Awards 2017
In July, Wendy Leighton-Porter won two gold medals in the Children's Literary Classics Book Awards 2107. Shadows from the Past was named Best Middle Grade series and Max's Christmas Adventure won the gold award for Best Holiday Book.
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